For manufacturers, EvioLink provides:

Infinite customisation

Brands will be able to upload particular content to each QR code to create a unique experience based on the person's profile or on where they will consume the product. Eviosys also offers direct solutions for customers

Sustainable development

Each product can be scanned at different stages of the supply chain, allowing brands to transparently communicate data related to the carbon footprint of the transportation, location or filling date

Enhanced traceability

EvioLink™ allows to track your product at all stages of the supply chain, from the packaging manufacturing to the delivery to the end consumer. It allows brands to communicate the status of an order every step of the way

An anti-counterfeiting solution

Brands, with each code, will be able to confirm if duplicates are scanned or if an incorrect code is scanned. According to the latest data published by the EUIPO, Europol and the OECD, counterfeiting costs Europe more than €15 billion a year

Let's unlock unlimited digital possibilities together with EvioLink™